CNH Industrial Reman Earns 2017 Safety Awards

Missouri Association of Manufacturers (MAM) Recognizes Commitment to Safety

CNH Industrial Reman receiving their Safety Manufacturing Company of the Year Award from MAM's CEO, KIM Inman

CNH Industrial Reman receiving their Safety Manufacturing Company of the Year Award from MAM's CEO, KIM Inman

CNH Industrial Reman, in May announced that it received two Missouri Association of Manufacturers’ Safety Excellence Awards at the annual Mid-America Safety, Health and Environmental Conference & Expo in Branson, Missouri. The accolades, honor and recognize outstanding safety, health and environmental program achievement and best practices standards.

CNH Industrial Reman brought home the coveted Safety Manufacturing Company of the Year Award for their outstanding safety, health and environmental programs. CNH Industrial Reman has implemented a program that contributes towards the establishment of a safe and healthful environment by building a culture that demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement of safety standards and moving toward the goal of zero loss of human and material resources. CNH Industrial Reman continues to improve safety performance and employee satisfaction and has committed to safety, health and environmental protocols within the workplace, assessing and addressing both the current and future safety needs in their workforce. This organization’s program may serve as an example to other manufacturers across Missouri.

Denice Forrest receiving her 2017 Safety Excellence Horizon Award

Denice Forrest receiving her 2017 Safety Excellence Horizon Award

In addition to receiving the Safety Excellence Manufacturing Company of the Year Award, CNH Industrial Reman’s very own Denice Forrest received MAM’s Safety Excellence Horizon Award for her contribution to the CNH Industrial Reman’s safety program. Denice was instrumental in the implementation of new technology, updated training programs, safety awareness through signage and creating the company’s business continuation and disaster recovery program.

The Missouri Association of Manufacturers (MAM) Safety Excellence Awards program is for any manufacturer with a facility in the state of Missouri and individuals with experience leading safety, health and/or environmental projects, programs and initiatives for manufacturers. Awards criteria consists of data common to all awards and factors that may be unique or specific to a given category. Each application was reviewed and scored by an expert panel of judges, comprising of safety experts in the industry. The applicant receiving the highest score in each category was designated as the MAM Safety Excellence Award Recipient. Applicants and nominees must meet all eligibility requirements and criterion for the award category for which they are submitted.

Source: CNH Industrial Remanufacturing


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